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The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.
-- Ivy Baker Priest


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Future vision

Any concept you have of the future is just a simulation in your mind. It can be extremely useful to consider how life could unfold, as long as you don’t let it overwhelm and disable you.

Go ahead, peer inquisitively into the future. Learn all you can, and then come solidly back into the present.

Sometimes you can anticipate very accurately what’s going to happen. You can make good use of that knowledge to guide your life in a more positive direction.

Many other times, events do not unfold at all like you thought. So don’t get yourself too invested in what, after all, is your own speculation.

Instead, seek to combine your vision of the future with the undeniable reality of now. Apply your best guesses about tomorrow in ways that make a positive difference today.

Don’t be dismayed by problems that only exist in your imagined future. Be inspired to create so much value right now that those problems never have a chance to appear.

— Ralph Marston

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