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Let me tell you the secret that has led to my goal: My strength lies solely in my tenacity.
-- Louis Pasteur


Monday, April 23, 2018

A little more adventure

Get yourself into places, into situations where life can surprise you. Add to the richness, add to the adventure by not always knowing what will happen next.

Actively open yourself to what you never knew was there. Life on this day is too precious to live it just like any other day.

Exercise your courage to start something without being sure exactly how it will end. Discover wonder, beauty, and awe in places you’ve never found them before.

When you were very young, the world was an amazing place, filled with adventure, new things to learn, exciting experiences to be lived every day. In fact, the world still is like that, when you once again allow it to be.

For the place where adventure resides is within you. That adventure springs to life the moment you open yourself to its possibilities.

Right now, life is longing to experience itself in new and surprising ways through you. Let go of your constant craving for certainty, and let a little more adventure come to life.

— Ralph Marston

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