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The act of writing is the act of discovering what you believe.
-- David Hare


Friday, May 4, 2018

You decide

You can make your experience of life today better than the life you experienced yesterday. You can make conditions in your world tomorrow more favorable than conditions in your world today.

Is life getting better or worse, more fulfilling or more desperate? That is for you to decide, to determine, and to implement with the way you live.

The way your life unfolds is not dictated by some predetermined, immutable script. The story of your life is written largely by the choices you make in every moment.

Sure, you are subject to many forces and influences beyond your control. Yet things don’t just magically get better, and neither do things just cruelly and randomly get worse.

What you do, day in and day out, plays the major role. Your attitude, your thoughts, your actions, your willingness to persist, your desire to embrace responsibility, all form the quality of the life you experience.

Whatever the trends, whatever the zeitgeist, your life gets better or worse mostly because of what you do with it. You know what works, what improves your world, so keep reminding yourself to do it.

— Ralph Marston

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