virgin islands scene

No person is important enough to make me angry.
-- Carlos Castenada


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Only now

Imagine there is only now. Regrets have no meaning and worries simply do not exist.

Your awareness is filled with peaceful power. You are free to focus solely on the good actions you can now take.

Your thoughts are clear, deliberate, unhurried. You feel completely in control of your life and feelings.

In every direction you look, beauty and positive possibilities appear. You act without hesitation or doubt, confident in your ability to make a difference.

You are taught and strengthened by your mistakes rather than imprisoned by them. You are inspired by the disappointments instead of being dismayed by them.

Imagine a world where there’s no past to weigh you down and no future to fear. Imagine there is only now, and live the power that’s already yours.

— Ralph Marston

previousBetter than before       Purposeful lifenext

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