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I make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes.
-- Sara Teasdale


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Ideal situation

Deal with life as you find it, not as you wish it to be. All the while, visualize, plan for, work for, and commit to life as you most want it to be.

Live life where it actually is, pushing persistently toward the best you can imagine. Acknowledge reality with the purpose of improving upon it.

Let your highest vision guide you and inspire you. Let objective facts inform you and instruct you.

There is a way to connect your current situation to your ideal situation. To access that connection, you must be clear, honest, specific.

Be clear about what you have to work with, and honest with yourself about what must be done. Be specific about where you intend to go, and why.

Join rock-solid practicality about the way life is, to your most idealistic vision for how your life can be. It’s a powerful combination.

— Ralph Marston

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