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You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.
-- Pearl S. Buck


Monday, July 2, 2018

Get to the point

The point of this day is to make new progress and enrich all of life. Get to the point and get it done.

You’re here in this time and place to make a positive difference. Get to work doing what you’re here to do.

Let your strong sense of purpose pierce through the complexity, distractions, difficulties and temptations. With unwavering focus, do what you know is best, what is meaningful, what is good.

If you discover you’ve wandered a little off course, don’t waste time letting it bring you down. Just reorient yourself in a purposeful direction, and step forward with an even stronger commitment.

You have great things to get done today. Get to the point, stick with it, and enjoy the sweet fulfillment of your focus and persistence.

This very moment overflows with potential value. Get to the point, and make that value yours.

— Ralph Marston

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