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It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows.
-- Epictetus


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Bring new goodness

All that you’ve ever done has been accomplished under less than perfect conditions. Every bit of progress you’ve made has been in the face of obstacles and limitations.

Stop waiting for the situation to be perfect. Start making good and meaningful use of the situation as it is.

Today you have time, energy, opportunity that you’ll never have again. Do something great with it.

Focus on the possibilities and you will find your way beyond the limitations. Devote yourself to action and enable yourself to transcend any difficult circumstances.

You’ve achieved much and now you can achieve more. You’ve extracted real value from many different kinds of situations, and now you can do it again.

What matters more than how things are, is how you choose to be. Choose today to be the person who brings new goodness to life.

— Ralph Marston

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