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I always try to believe the best of everybody -- it saves so much trouble.
-- Rudyard Kipling


Monday, July 23, 2018

Full extent of opportunity

No matter what you have, you have it good. Take care not to let your own complacency steal it away.

Sure, you deal with serious problems, challenges, disappointments. Yet your life is also filled with a whole lot of value.

Don’t let irreplaceable value wither away as a result of taking it for granted. Appreciate it, utilize it, and build on it.

What aspects of life would you work day and night to regain if you were to lose them? What can you do today to more fully enjoy and make use of those good things?

What are you neglecting to do today, that you would pay dearly for the opportunity to do if you didn’t have that opportunity? Remind yourself to do what you can, while you can.

Every life has its share of misfortune, but there’s no reason to add to that misfortune with complacency. See the full extent of opportunity that is now yours, and live it well.

— Ralph Marston

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