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If you got the guts to stick it out, you are going to make it.
-- Brian Hays


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Look objectively

How do you look objectively at your situation? By refusing to make it about you.

Pretend that the problem you’re dealing with is happening to someone else. What advice would you give that person?

Set aside your fear, insecurity, resentment. Let go of the impulse to feel sorry for yourself.

Get in the habit of seeing each situation for what it is. Free yourself from your emotional burdens and biases, and focus on a highly effective response.

How would the most disciplined, successful person you know handle the situation? That is precisely what you can do, starting now.

Rise above your own narrow concerns and open yourself to a far wider set of possibilities. Look objectively, and discover how powerful and effective you can be.

— Ralph Marston

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