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An optimist is the human personification of spring.
-- Susan J. Bissonette


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Challenges in front of you

Don’t drag old troubles along from yesterday. Don’t borrow imagined troubles from tomorrow.

Focus on the challenges in front of you. Work on the affairs in which you can make a positive difference.

Cleanse your awareness of the things you can’t do anything about. Enable yourself to direct all your energy toward making meaningful progress.

Rise above any disappointments you may be holding on to. What matter most now are the good things you can do to move life forward.

Let go of the need to impress, of any worries about what others will think. Replace them with confidence that your actions are good, valuable and productive, right for you and your world.

Offer full attention and persistent action to the challenges in front of you, and to the opportunities they represent. Reap the rewards of focusing your power where it matters most.

— Ralph Marston

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