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The backbone of joy is adventure.
-- Benjamin Lanard


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Endless abundance

Live this day in awe. Live this day with love, gratitude, respect, and kindness.

Point your awareness toward all that is good and right about the people and situations you encounter. Open your mind, your heart, your spirit to the highest possibilities in each moment.

Let go of whatever separates you from the peace that lives within. Remember always to make good use of your power to learn, to think, to choose, to act.

Invest your energy in thoughts, feelings, and actions that enrich the lives around you. Take time to fully experience how good it is to be.

Invite serenity into each moment, each thought, encounter, and activity. Live with intention, confidence, and loving purpose.

Go beyond limitations that seem so real but that exist only on the surface. Dive deeply into the endless abundance that flows from the truth of who you are.

— Ralph Marston

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