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If you have a job without aggravations, you don't have a job.
-- Malcolm Forbes


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Higher version of reality

Allow all to be right with life, right now. It’s not really so hard to do.

You cannot change anything about what has already happened, so choose to let it be. This moment is not perfect, yet it’s the one you have, so recognize the goodness in it.

Allowing all to be right with life is not a matter of being naive or denying reality. Indeed, it is the acknowledgement of a higher version of reality.

In every difficulty is the opportunity to give love, to offer hope, to engage in positive effort. In every challenge are real possibilities for progress and new value.

Allow all to be right with life, and connect yourself with those possibilities. See today from a higher perspective, and expand upon the goodness that’s already present.

Fix your awareness on a higher version of reality, in which all is right with life. Let yourself be energized to make a positive difference in everything you do.

— Ralph Marston

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