virgin islands scene

If you had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse.
-- Henry Ford


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Every experience

Don’t get caught up in judging whether one experience is more interesting, beneficial, worthwhile than another. Every experience is part of the adventure.

From every experience you gain insight, wisdom, and the strength to bring new goodness to life. Every experience gives you the opportunity to make a positive contribution to your own life and to others.

You cannot possibly know all the ways that whatever you’re experiencing right now will benefit you and add value to your life in years to come. So live this moment with the full faith and confidence that it is worth all the attention, effort, and love you can give it.

Look back, and you’ll understand that some of your most difficult times have resulted in your most useful strengths. Those past challenges, frustrations, and setbacks provided you with valuable raw material from which to build a full, rich life.

How utterly boring a story would be if only good things ever happened in it. How shallow and empty your relationships would be if they had not been tested and deepened by difficult experiences.

Get out there and immerse yourself completely in the experience that is right now. Know that you will find the good in it, and know that you will grow stronger from it.

— Ralph Marston

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