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The splendid achievements of the intellect, like the soul, are everlasting.
-- Sallust


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Clearly define

Clearly define what you wish to do. Then you can direct all your energy and commitment into doing it.

Clearly define where you have chosen to focus your attention. Then you have a specific direction to aim the power of your focus.

Stimulation and information constantly swirl around you. So many options are available that the sheer magnitude of those options can be debilitating.

But just because there are options, does not mean you must exercise them all. Just because there is information available, does not mean you have to know it all.

Know and do the things that really matter, that support the life you wish to live. Free yourself from the needless burden of all the rest.

Don’t let yourself get pulled in a thousand different directions. Clearly define your intentions, and follow the path you’ve created to the life you choose.

— Ralph Marston

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