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One of the virtues of the very young is that you don't let facts get in the way of your imagination.
-- Sam Levenson


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Deliver the best

Go always in the direction that makes life good. Your life is much too valuable to waste even a minute of it.

If a thought, activity, situation or choice doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Let your discontent prompt you to find a more affirmative path.

Say yes to what strengthens you, excites you, challenges you to grow, and makes you feel fully alive. Let go of what holds you back, compromises your values, and lets you get away with not making a difference.

Take a great big, deep breath of possibility. Feel the confidence, feel the enthusiasm, feel the desire to give your best to life.

Decide right now to love the moment you’re in, just as it is, just as you are. Envision the highest use you can make of right now, and put that vision into action, right now.

You have every reason and every ability to make each day more fulfilling and life-affirming than the last. Expect the best of yourself, and deliver it.

— Ralph Marston

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