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You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Celebrate what is good

Celebrate what is good. Appreciate what is right with the world, what works well, what contributes positive value.

You would not get through the day without a whole lot of things going right. Take a moment to remind yourself of the good fortune you normally enjoy without even thinking about it.

Much more often than not, your phone calls go through, your internet connection works, and the lights come on when you flip the switch. Just those three highly reliable services add great value to your life, and there are many more.

Yes, your seat is cramped and the flight is thirty minutes behind schedule. However, for a modest price you can safely travel to the other side of the world in just a few hours, and that’s pretty amazing.

There’s much to be repaired, much to be improved, many things that fail to go right, numerous disputes to be resolved. Yet there’s a whole lot more that works very well, and adds greatly to life, time after time.

Do your part to appreciate, support, protect, and preserve all the good things in life. Though you have the luxury of taking them for granted, you certainly wouldn’t want to be without them.

— Ralph Marston

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