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Every man without passion has within him no principle of action, nor motive of act.
-- Claude Adrien Helvetius


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Enough of just getting by

You’ve had more than enough of just getting by. Begin today to live life at the very highest level.

Step beyond those cheap pleasures that mainly waste your time and offer no meaning in return. Free yourself from the limiting, shortsighted demands of your ego.

Decide once and for all that worry and fear can no longer pull you down or hold you back. Choose today to live in the best way you can envision.

Be at peace with all that is, as it is. Accept the power that is yours to make positive, loving use of it all.

Be thankful for the mistakes you’ve made and for all the wisdom you’ve gained from them. Be eager to put that great experience to work in making life for everyone better than it has ever been.

This is a time, a place, a situation in which you can thrive. Step up to the challenge of greatness within you, and share that special greatness with all of life.

— Ralph Marston

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