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To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.
-- Mohandas K. Gandhi


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Ways to be thankful

What you reject and despise, wears you down. What you accept and embrace, and can actually be thankful for, serves to empower you.

You don’t have to completely agree with someone in order to be thankful for that person in your life. Though your current situation is far from perfect, there are many things about it to be thankful for.

Instead of rushing to assign blame or hand out judgments, look for ways to be thankful. Enable yourself to see the positive aspects, the opportunities for value.

Rather than plummeting into frustration, despair, or anger, look for ways to be thankful. Give yourself the advantage of a conscious connection to life’s abundance.

Look for ways to be thankful, and you’ll find ways to pull yourself and your whole world forward. Look for ways to be thankful, and you’ll discover value, beauty, truth, and possibilities that otherwise would be hidden.

Look for ways to be thankful, and you’re doing a whole lot more than just being nice. You’re making the whole of your life, and everyone else’s, a much richer and more rewarding experience.

— Ralph Marston

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