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Life is a matter of luck, and the odds in favor of success are in no way enhanced by extreme caution.
-- Erich Topp


Monday, November 26, 2018

Let your thoughts soar

Today is a day for your thoughts to soar. Live fully in what is now and at the same time, imagine beyond it.

Focus on the goodness and value of now. Envision how you can build new richness from it all.

Make a point to see past your own narrow concerns. Consider how you can offer the best you have to offer, how you can give the best you have to give to life.

Avoid letting your thoughts get stuck on a treadmill of blame, doubt, judgment, and worry. Seek instead to welcome new perspectives, ideas, possibilities into your thinking.

Follow your natural curiosity to wonderful places. Let your love lead your thoughts into magnificent realms.

Your thoughts have great power and influence over the way your life unfolds. Free your thoughts, encourage your thoughts, enable your thoughts to soar in the most positive, beneficial ways.

— Ralph Marston

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