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Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.
-- Alfred Adler


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Better input

Every action has a consequence. By choosing your actions, you can choose your consequences.

Often you don’t know exactly what the consequence of a specific action will be. Most of the time, though, you have a pretty good idea.

Sometimes random, outside events beyond your control will come along to lift you up or push you down. For the most part, however, the life you live is a function of the actions you take.

If your life is going so great you can’t imagine how it could be any better, then keep doing what you’ve been doing, and enjoy. When the consequences you’ve created could stand some improvement, you’re in luck, because there’s a sure way to change them.

Don’t waste your time trying to get new consequences from the same old actions. When you’re motivated to get a better result, let that motivation push you to create a better input.

Live with respect for the powerful connection between action and consequence. Give yourself the life you desire by consistently taking the actions that are sure to bring it about.

— Ralph Marston

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