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To do just the opposite is also a form of imitation.
-- Georg C. Lichtenberg


Monday, December 24, 2018

At peace with now

With peace, with gratitude, with patience, let this moment be the way it is. Live the richness, the beauty, the possibilities of now.

You have always been, and you always are, more than enough. There is real goodness in your life, in your world, and more to come.

Treasure this place, this time, this feeling, this experience. Recognize the opportunity to give more of yourself to all you love.

Allow everything that happens to remind you of what’s truly important. Feel the strength of your purpose, thankful for the opportunity to act with that strength.

You don’t have to let the stressful influences make you stressful inside. You can choose your feelings, so choose joy, choose laughter, choose love.

Be at peace with now. And live according to the terms of your own highest hopes and values.

— Ralph Marston

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