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The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.
-- Jessica Hische


Saturday, December 29, 2018

A better pathway

When you feel like giving up, remind yourself of the reason you started in the first place. If that reason is still there, still strong, still meaningful, keep going.

Just because your strategy hasn’t worked, is no reason to give up on your goal. Consider what makes the goal important to you, and inspire yourself to devise a better pathway to it.

Feel the purpose, deep inside, that originally prompted you to set your goal. Let that feeling energize you.

Learn from all your experience, adjust your approach, reaffirm your commitment. And keep going, keep following your purpose.

Though the setbacks will sting, they can also teach you, focus you, motivate you. What a shame it would be to waste all that by giving up.

You have the time, the desire, the skill and fortitude to persist. Use it, do it, keep going, and bring new value to life.

— Ralph Marston

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