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Heroes became heroes flaws and all. You don't have to be perfect to fulfill your dream.
-- Peter McWilliams


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Grab the opportunity

Getting started late is a whole lot better than not getting started at all. Go ahead, and do it.

Conditions are less than ideal, yet you can move forward nonetheless. Go ahead, and get going.

You can think of a hundred perfectly valid excuses for not taking action. But those excuses will add zero value to your life, and contribute nothing positive to your world.

Stop fighting against your own possibilities. Stop avoiding, procrastinating, and wishing things were different, and just get yourself going, right now.

Ten minutes from now, when you’re well into the effort, you’ll realize it’s not so bad. A day or two from now, you’ll thank yourself for going ahead with it.

Whatever the past has been, however the present may be, get yourself going. There’s a whole lot of good you can do right now, so grab the opportunity before it slips away, and do it.

— Ralph Marston

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