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Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.
-- Cicero


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Beauty and significance

You’ve talked yourself into needing it, but do you? You’ve become accustomed to having it, but is it what you desire?

How much time do you waste chasing things you’d be better off without? How much treasure do you give up to acquire and maintain what you don’t need, what you don’t even want?

You have true, consequential needs and authentic desires. Take care to focus your efforts on those.

You live in a world with an unimaginable number of things to own, to experience, to consume. Meet that enormity of possibility with a sober responsibility.

Everything you have that you don’t need takes time, space, money and focus away from what truly matters to you. You owe it to yourself to make more room in your life for real joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Don’t let yourself, or anyone else, convince you to need what is needless or to want what is meaningless. There is too much beauty and significance in life to settle for anything less.

— Ralph Marston

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