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Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; Unbelief, in denying them.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Friday, January 24, 2020

Choose sincerity

Don’t hide yourself from yourself and others. Pretense provides nothing of value in the present, and nothing but regret in the future.

This day is too beautiful to spend it as someone you’re not. Allow your own true beauty the space to live and to flourish.

In all those choices you make, choose sincerity. Enjoy knowing and sharing the power of the real you.

You are so much more than a flat, boring, predictable image. You are the essence of life itself, complex, vulnerable, curious, loving, and passionate.

Forget about whether it will make you look good or not. Do what you care about, what makes a real difference, what resonates with all you love and value.

Be the real you and live the real richness. Nothing you could pretend is as valuable and precious as who you truly are.

— Ralph Marston

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