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Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
-- Thomas a Kempis


Friday, March 13, 2020

Greatly expanded view

You can change everything without changing a thing. Just choose to look at life from a higher perspective.

The way you see the situation shapes the way you respond to the situation. The way you respond determines how successful you are.

Possibilities are nearly limitless, yet you only have access to the ones you’re aware of. And your awareness is directly connected to your perspective.

It takes discipline and great effort to walk up the mountain. The reward you earn is a greatly expanded view.

Could you benefit from a better view, a more desirable set of options? Climb beyond the comfort of your current thoughts, feelings, and assumptions to a higher vantage.

Work to give yourself the benefit of a more expansive outlook on your world. Look at life from a higher perspective, and you’ll find plenty of great possibilities to see.

— Ralph Marston

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