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Art does not solve problems but makes us aware of their existence. It opens our eyes to see and our brain to imagine.
-- Magdalena Abakanowicz


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Surprise life back

One thing you can be certain of, is uncertainty. Life is always changing, and sometimes those changes come quickly, from out of nowhere.

Yet you have the good fortune of being highly adaptable. You are so skilled at adapting that you often transform negative developments into positive outcomes.

That’s why you can recall many times when things worked out much better than you first thought they would. You were able to successfully adapt.

What can you do when life surprises you? You can surprise life back, in ways that support your dreams, goals, values, and all you love.

Whenever the situation changes, step back and take a good, clear, updated look at reality. Commit yourself to finding a positive path through the world as it is, that leads toward what you value most.

It’s not always easy, yet it’s something you’ve been doing successfully your whole life. Adapt, and surprise life back with how well you can do so.

— Ralph Marston

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