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Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant.
-- Anthony J. D'Angelo


Friday, April 10, 2020

Difficult problems

Problems are not pleasant. That’s why they bring out the best in you, and in many, many others.

When one person finds a problem unbearable, that person works hard to get beyond it. When millions of people cannot tolerate a problem, that problem gets solved.

Good times are enjoyable, and bring about marginal progress. Difficult times, however, give birth to massive breakthroughs.

There are always things you can do to make life better. When you’re faced with a serious challenge, you actually do those things.

When you’re not happy with the situation, that’s good. Because you’re also powerfully motivated to change it in a positive way.

Difficult, complicated problems don’t usually go away on their own, but they do go away. Because you, and a whole lot of other people, do the demanding work to make them go away.

— Ralph Marston

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