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Failures are like skinned knees, painful but superficial.
-- H. Ross Perot


Monday, April 20, 2020

Specific progress

It is good to have faith that things will get better. Especially when you express that faith by committing to a specific, well-formulated plan for improvement.

Yes, yes, believe in the future. Then put your intelligence, your competence, and your discipline to work in service of that belief.

What exactly is the nature of the challenge you face, of the goal you seek to achieve? What precisely are you doing, and when, and how, to address that challenge, to reach that goal?

Every aspect of your being supports your amazing, highly adaptable ability to get things done. That ability works best when you know clearly what those things are.

Fundamental to any success is a detailed and accurate description of that success. In what exact way will life get better, and what will you do to make that happen?

All progress is specific progress. Define what you must do, how you will do it, and give yourself the tools to get it done.

— Ralph Marston

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