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Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.
-- Samuel Johnson


Monday, May 18, 2020

Value of your effort

Don’t let yourself become discouraged when your efforts fail to produce the desired results. Instead, be thankful for the experience, however it turned out, and make good use of it.

Consider a professional athlete who trains every day for years before entering any competition. Those practice sessions don’t produce immediate wins, yet they are essential to eventually winning.

Certainly you don’t ever want to think that your efforts have been wasted. So, do what you must do, going forward, to make sure that they’re not wasted.

At the very least, you’ve had an excellent lesson in what doesn’t work. That’s valuable experience, useful to you and to others.

Though it can understandably feel like you’ve lost everything, that isn’t the case. You will always have the experience, the wisdom, the skills, and those are not trivial.

For all sorts of reasons, sometimes things don’t work out, but that doesn’t negate the value of your effort. Look back, see that value, then find an even better way to carry it forward.

— Ralph Marston

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