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Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
-- Albert Einstein


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Choose your courage

You’re not sure what will happen today, or tomorrow. Even so, you can step forward and live with courage.

You can make the best plans and preparations, and work with persistent effort. Yet you know there are rarely any guarantees.

Challenges are great, risks are many, and uncertainties abound. Nonetheless, you can move ahead with courage.

Courage is not a matter of being certain about what will happen. Courage is not the absence of fear.

Courage is knowing that you can enact a positive response to whatever happens. Courage is being realistic about your prospects, listening to your fears, and taking well-informed action.

Courage is already within you, and always yours to choose. Feel your purpose, choose your courage, and transform the challenges into achievements.

— Ralph Marston

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