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The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.
-- Benjamin Disraeli


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Put care into action

Giving your care, your attention, your respect, your love, makes life richer. Giving your time, your consideration, your effort, your presence, makes the world brighter.

The things you accumulate are sometimes necessary, often times not. The connections you make are what you will come to cherish most deeply.

You have the opportunity to go beyond merely saying or signaling that you care. Put your care into action, into commitment, where the passing of time transforms it into great value.

You are not going to save the whole world. Yet you can make a big difference in an important part of it, someone’s life, again and again.

Resist the urge to be drawn into trendy, sanctimonious, empty expressions. Invest your time and energy instead in authentic connection and care.

You can quietly, gracefully make a difference when you put your care into helpful action. Each time you do, life gets a little better for you and all those around you.

— Ralph Marston

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