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If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.
-- Margaret Thatcher


Tuesday, June 16, 2020


The truth you will benefit most from knowing, is inconvenient. The work you will benefit most from doing, is difficult.

The easy stuff is largely meaningless. It’s the hard stuff that brings real value to life.

Choosing the easy way out, again and again, stunts growth, physically, intellectually, financially, socially. Your strength is built and maintained through repeated challenge, doing hard work and recognizing uncomfortable truths.

Avoiding life’s difficulties, time after time, ends up making life more and more difficult. Exercising the muscles of your competence, your intelligence, your creativity and compassion, makes those muscles ever stronger.

The good life you seek is not a life of pure leisure, not a life free of effort or challenge. Rather, it is a life of making real, ongoing contributions toward meaningful purposes.

Be thankful for what’s difficult, for what makes you uncomfortable. Those things will powerfully prepare you, equip you, and inspire you to make life good.

— Ralph Marston

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