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Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.
-- Dale Carnegie


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

No place for negativity

Bring more beauty into your life, and there will be less room for anxiety. Give positive action to your thoughts, and fewer of those thoughts will be centered around doubt.

When you actively resist what is undesirable, you unwittingly make it more prominent and powerful. Rather than resisting what you don’t want, replace it with what you do want.

Think of one thing that normally upsets you whenever it happens. Then decide that you’ll no longer be upset by it, and will instead be inspired to take positive action.

Choose not to give your energy to misfortune or malfeasance. Don’t let your dislike of a small part of reality overshadow all the other possibilities that are open to you.

Turn your attention toward what you love, and allow that love to permeate your awareness. Center your efforts around expanding and enhancing life’s goodness.

Fill your moments, your thoughts, your actions with what you treasure most. Make your life so positively purposeful that there’s no place for negativity to find a home.

— Ralph Marston

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