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Knowledge does not allow you to understand the world. Knowledge dispels the illusion that you understand the world.
-- Nate Staniforth


Friday, July 31, 2020

Flip the negative

People, events, situations can leave you confused, frightened, angry, or resentful, often by design. Yet you can always choose a more empowered response.

Engage positively in life. Flip the negative influences on their head so they inspire you rather than bring you down.

Take a proactive approach to your own sense of well being. Absorb whatever energy is pointed your way and transform it into a force for goodness.

No one else has a right to control how you feel. So don’t give anyone the chance.

You’re very familiar with what inspires you to be your best. Make that your focus, and make good, helpful, productive living your outcome.

Flip the negative influences and commit yourself to being a positive presence in life. There’s a whole lot of good you can do by being you, so enable all that goodness to unfold.

— Ralph Marston

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