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To succeed, we must first believe that we can.
-- Michael Korda


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Do your part

Notice and understand the difficulties, the things out of balance, but don’t obsess endlessly over them. Instead, focus on what you can do to make things better.

When the outside world offers nothing but despair, that’s the time to fill your inside thoughts with hope. When the situation is going downhill, point your own intentions in a higher, more beneficial direction.

The negativity is bad enough on its own, so don’t add to it with your thoughts. Choose to center your thinking on positive alternatives.

That doesn’t require you to be unrealistic about what’s going on. On the contrary, it puts you in the best position to improve on whatever difficulties have arisen.

Clearly see those difficulties without letting them dominate your thinking. Call upon the power of your values, your vision, your faith and positive expectations.

No, you won’t improve the whole world on your own, yet you absolutely can improve yourself. So do that, and do your part to make life a more positive and fulfilling experience.

— Ralph Marston

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