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To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.
-- Elbert Hubbard


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

More focused than ever

Things will happen to interrupt your focus. Make it your business to quickly get that focus back.

It’s easy to blame the distractions for being distracted. It’s much better to let each one go, and to get right back on track.

Don’t be resentful of the interruptions, because that just gives them more power. Stay committed to your intention, to your focus, and let the interruptions burn themselves out.

Don’t be dependent on insulating yourself from life’s commotion and confusion. Instead, seek to make your focus stronger and more compelling than anything that might break it.

The interruptions will find you, but you don’t have to let them divert you. Your attention is yours to control and assign, so exercise that control.

You don’t have to let those interruptions and distractions become excuses. Transform them into reasons to be more focused, more intentional, more effective than ever before.

— Ralph Marston

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