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Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.
-- Henri-Frederic Amiel


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Strength in the little things

Be unrelenting in your strength when addressing the little things. Those are the things that most reliably lead you into either great despair or great achievement.

Even when the matter seems to be nothing of significance, stand firm. Be true to your conscience, to your values, to your sense of what is right.

For if you let it slide you establish a negative momentum. Soon enough, your betrayal of your own best judgment surpasses your strength and ability to change course.

It is by attending to the details as you are able, to the discrete steps, that you make real progress. Conversely, neglecting the small things results in the big things falling into disintegration and uselessness.

Saints know this, and live by this. So do tyrants.

The little things are here and now, and the little things matter much more than a little. By investing your strength in the little things, you accumulate the strength to do anything.

— Ralph Marston

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