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Fall down seven times, stand up eight.
-- Japanese Proverb


Saturday, October 31, 2020

Work and play

Your work enables you to play, and your play enables you to work. Don’t skip either one or you’ll end up doing neither one very well.

It is by being useless for a while that you get inspired to become more useful. It is by being useful that you earn the time and resources to occasionally be useless.

A common saying is that all work and no play makes you dull and boring. And it’s just as true that all play and no work makes you absolutely intolerable.

So switch it up. Give yourself the work that sustains you and the play that relaxes and invigorates you.

No matter how enjoyable your work may be, it is still work, and your best strategy is to see it as such. No matter how highly focused your play might be, treat it as the play it is.

Whether it’s work or play, go all in and then after a while set it aside. Give your life the benefit of healthy balance.

— Ralph Marston

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