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Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I accomplish.
-- Michelangelo


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Think and feel

I feel I have a good answer, and you think you have a better answer. Even though we disagree, both of us are right.

Life is about what you feel. It’s also about what you think.

Your feelings give richness and color and meaning to your thoughts. Your thoughts impose a measure of discipline and reality on your feelings.

A thinking approach often seems at extreme odds with a feeling approach. Yet both approaches seek to make the best of the same situation, so they’re not really so opposed.

Has the conflict between thoughts and feelings pushed you into a disagreement? See if you can adjust your own balance of thoughts and feelings to achieve a better understanding.

Intellect and emotion do not have to exist in opposition. Take a step back, work to get them into harmony, and make the best of the whole person you are.

— Ralph Marston

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