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Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
-- George S. Patton


Thursday, November 12, 2020

The good you can bring

Can you see how miserable you make yourself when you’re unable to have some particular thing you don’t even need in the first place? Turn your attention instead to the good things you do have.

Let go of the silly fantasy that some magic bullet is going to make everything better all at once. Instead, immerse yourself in the true magic of using your wits and your efforts to make one thing better at a time.

Allow life to play out in its most meaningful and satisfying pattern. Recognize that the ups and the downs are inseparable parts of a whole.

It is a whole of experience that brings deep meaning and fulfillment to the core of your being. It is a true story of beauty and strength that runs through everything you encounter and all you do.

By choosing to tolerate the difficulties you develop the fortitude to master them. You learn to point every moment, every event in a positive direction.

What makes life special is the good you can bring to it. Embrace life always as it is, and bring it on.

— Ralph Marston

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