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Nature arms each man with some faculty which enables him to do easily some feat impossible to any other.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Do your dream

Don’t let anyone take your dreams away from you. Your dreams are what move the world forward.

When you dare to dream, people will scold you for being selfish. But your dreams are not selfish.

Living the best life you can imagine is the most generous thing you can do for all of life. So dream big, dream well, dream in glorious detail, and do your dream.

There are many problems in the world. None of those problems will be solved by you being less than your best.

On the contrary, the process of working to make your own life better will enable other lives to get better. Insisting on the best from yourself is what makes you the most beneficial for others.

Do your dream, with confidence, compassion, love, and positive energy. Do your dream, and give all of life your greatest gifts.

— Ralph Marston

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