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What man's mind can create, man's character can control.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Friday, November 27, 2020

Where truth leads

You can’t learn anything from someone who agrees with everything you say. It might feel good, but it doesn’t really do you any good.

You also can’t learn anything from someone who disagrees with everything you say. When there is no common ground, there is no way to convey information.

Some people, though, are able to understand you and at the same time challenge you. Seek out those people and you can learn much from your interactions with them.

When your thoughts and ideas are challenged, they become more clear, more aligned with truth, more valuable. Be willing to question your thoughts, even to possibly discard them, and your thinking grows in power.

With each experience, with every interaction, you expand your ability to understand. Rather than seeking to hear only what you agree with, seek new levels of truth.

Open your knowledge, your ideas, and yourself to challenge. And go where the truth leads.

— Ralph Marston

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