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What you are will show in what you do.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

That’s an opportunity

Don’t let the massive value of right now be hidden from you by the fact that it is not perfect. Accept this moment as it is, and live it for the best it can be.

Don’t ignore the opportunity of a lifetime just because it is inconvenient or uncomfortable. Make yourself realize what you have, right now, and put it to good and purposeful use.

Any energy you expend on complaining is wasted energy. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, focus on what you can do about it, and then do it.

When life is unfolding pretty much as you expected, that’s an opportunity. When things fail to go as you hoped or expected, that’s an even bigger opportunity.

Indeed, everything is an opportunity. Commit yourself to take those opportunities, to create good and useful value from them.

Look at life right now, and again and again, and remind yourself, that’s an opportunity. Go for it.

— Ralph Marston

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