virgin islands scene

Creativity is intelligence having fun.
-- Albert Einstein


Friday, December 11, 2020

Live the beauty

Every day is a miracle. Every life is a thing of wonder.

The pleasures and joys lift you up. The challenges and adversities lift you even higher.

Realize the extreme value of what you have. Keep in mind that love is always your best choice.

Feel your strength, your resilience, your capacity for kindness and understanding. Constantly make good use of all you have, of all you are, to fulfill the promise of the best life can be.

Embrace each moment with purpose and with passion for all the good you can do. Let go of any petty judgments that might blind you to the massive possibilities in which you’re immersed.

Live the beauty that is always available for you to create. And share it relentlessly with all of life.

— Ralph Marston

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