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Where there is joy there is creation. Where there is no joy there is no creation: know the nature of joy.
-- Upanishads


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Love and courage

Lead with love. Follow through with courage.

In each new situation, before saying anything, before doing anything, ask yourself. How can you live this from a perspective of love and courage?

Such a perspective won’t necessarily make things easier. You’re likely to take on more challenges, to put forth more effort.

Yet you’ll be attending to precisely those things that make life rich and meaningful. You’ll be focused on all you love and care about, with the courage to make a positive difference.

In a world that often seems to be awash in fear and complacency, choose to live at a higher level. Allow life’s goodness to shine through all you do.

Think, act, and feel from a place of love. And live out that love with the courage it deserves.

— Ralph Marston

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