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The future has a way of arriving unannounced.
-- George Will


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Internal encouragement

You deserve encouragement, you benefit from encouragement, but encouragement doesn’t always come your way. When it doesn’t, or even when it does, you can also encourage yourself.

The other people in your life may not often be forthcoming with their encouragement. Yet you can always offer real and effective encouragement to yourself.

You know yourself better than anyone else knows you. So you’re well versed in which thoughts and expressions encourage you and which ones don’t.

It’s not selfish to encourage yourself. Because doing so prompts you to become more useful and to offer more value to all the people around you.

Think of all you’ve accomplished and remind yourself of how much more you can do. Recall how good it feels to make a difference, and offer yourself that good feeling again and again.

Though it’s great to receive external encouragement, internal encouragement can be just as powerful. Encourage yourself today to do all the good things you know you can do.

— Ralph Marston

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