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No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Work to achieve

Don’t ask yourself what you want to achieve. Ask yourself what you want to work to achieve.

It’s not enough to have the desire for a particular outcome. You must also have the desire to do whatever is necessary to create that outcome.

It’s easy to imagine yourself enjoying the reward. It’s more challenging to envision yourself doing the difficult and tedious work necessary to earn that reward.

Yet the people who earn the most coveted rewards not only envision the necessary work. They see it through to completion.

Achievement often looks easy and glamorous from the outside because all you usually see is the completed job. When you’re the one doing the achieving, it’s a whole lot of work.

So be willing to do that work. And you’ll be the one doing the achieving, which is a very good place to be.

— Ralph Marston

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