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I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.
-- Booker T. Washington


Friday, February 25, 2022

The first step

Are you hesitant to take the first step because you’re worried it could be the wrong one? Most likely that first step won’t be in exactly the ideal direction, but that’s no reason to worry.

Because it’s just the first step. You will learn from it and then be able to take a much more experienced and informed step.

You’re not going to make a perfect start. Nonetheless, you must make a start if you’re to get anything done.

So go ahead and get it over with. Whether it works well or whether it doesn’t, it gets you moving.

The more you act, the more effective each action will become. Get the process started and get that upward spiral in motion.

Make the first step as good as you can, but don’t fret that it’s not perfect. Let it get you started, and you’ll find you can handle it very well from there.

— Ralph Marston

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