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We have committed the Golden Rule to memory; let us now commit it to life.
-- Edwin Markham


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Great depth inside

It’s fun and entertaining to be distracted. But life is for more than just fun and entertainment.

You are able to go much deeper than that. And if you go for long periods without any depth and focus, your spirit cries out for it.

When you seek constant trivialities so to escape boredom, you descend into an even deeper and more cynical boredom. At some point the trivial distractions lose all their power, and offer no easy escape.

Eventually you must confront who you are deep inside, and what you feel, and what you value. It’s far better to do that sooner, of your own volition, than later, when you have no choice.

Though you’ll find complexity, contradiction and unsettling substance inside, there’s also great beauty and positive purpose. You owe it to yourself to explore it all, to know it often, to hold it near.

Instead of squandering time and treasure on superficial distractions, seek to grow stronger, more purposeful and focused. You have great depth inside, and with it you can bring much value to all you care about.

— Ralph Marston

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